Herbal medicine has a very long track record in aiding the immune system and helping people boost wellbeing and recover from various respiratory infections. Due to their concentration of potent plant compounds, many herbs can fight viruses and the best part is, many of these herbs can be grown in your backyard. In this article, we have compiled the top five (5) anti viral herbs in the garden that you should consider growing.
Aside from its meal-garnishing purposes, thyme is known for its ability to kill off bacteria and viruses, as it contains antiviral, antiseptic, and antibacterial properties that reduce viral infectivity by more than 96 percent. With pots of young thyme readily available in the market, growing a thyme plant while you slowly consume it can be fairly easy. It only requires to be well watered and placed in a warm, bright location all year-round. Thyme can also tolerate indirect light, which makes it perfect for an indoor herb garden.
Lemon Balm
Despite its culinary, medical, and other uses, this herb is often overlooked by many people. Lemon balm also appears to boost the overall healing process of cold sores and reduce symptoms when applied topically as a cream. Like other herbs, lemon balm can be grown indoors even with little supervision. These herbs can easily grow in almost any soil, but they prefer rich and well-drained soil to flourish best.
Rosemary is relatively easy to grow and its upright varieties are both ideal for fresh and dried gourmet addition. Likewise, this herb has myriads of therapeutic applications due to its numerous plant compounds, including oleanolic acid. This acid is known to have antiviral properties against viruses, influenza, hepatitis, HIV, and more. The easiest way to grow rosemary at home is to grow the plant in containers. These plants prefer to remain somewhat in warm, humid environments, and cannot withstand winters below 30 F. (-1 C.)
Oregano has been shown to exhibit antiviral activity and is used as a popular alternative remedy for cold and flu symptoms. Both fresh and dried oregano are loaded with healthful benefits, including fiber, antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, and more. Oregano can grow well indoors, but it is important that the plant receives an adequate amount of heat and sunlight in order to grow. This little plant needs to be in your medicine cabinet and kitchen, as it is a delicious healing agent that can be used to treat a whole host of ailments.
Licorice is a common herb used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries now. Its antiviral effects can potentially weaken virus activities by inhibiting virus gene expression and replication. Licorice also makes a nice houseplant, as long as you give it plenty amount of light. Growing from seed is fairly easy but the germination part of growing licorice can be erratic. But if you have the patience, the rewards are definitely worth it.